Anton Liopo
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
Anton Liopo earned his PhD degree from the Institute of Physiology the National Academy of Science (NAS) of Belarus. He later went on to join the Institute of Biochemistry of NAS of Belarus as Senior Scientist, Associate Professor, and eventually the Director of Government Program. After moving to the United States, Dr. Liopo obtained trainings in molecular biology in Department Internal Medicine and nanotechnology in Center for Biomedical Engineering at the University of Texas, Medical Branch at Galveston. He was invited and many years worked in TomoWave Laboratories Inc., where he was Lead Scientist for nanobiotechnology program. Now Dr. Liopo continues his investigations in Center for Radiation Oncology Research, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, where he is aiming on novel nanocomposites for enhancement of cancer radio-therapy and he is also a visiting scientist in Department of Chemistry of Rice University. Dr. Liopo is a regular reviewer and member of several editorial boards of scientific journals. Dr. Liopo has more than 75 peer-reviewed publications, including monograph, book chapters and patents.
Abstract : Gold-based emerging nanomaterials for imaging and experimental cancer therapy